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    First International and Second National Conference on Lithium Batteries: A Big Step Towards the Development of Battery Industry in Iran
    July 9-10, 2024, Tehran, Iran University of Science and Technology

    We are proud to announce that the First International and Second National Conference on Lithium Batteries will be held in Tehran on July 9-10, 2024. This conference aims to bring together leading experts and scholars from around the world and Iran to exchange knowledge and experiences in the field of lithium batteries and to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing this industry in Iran.

    Benefits of participating in the conference:
    • Access to the latest knowledge and experiences in the field of lithium batteries
    • Networking with leading experts and scholars in this industry
    • Finding new opportunities for collaboration and investment
    • Presenting scientific and research findings
    • Learning about the latest developments and innovations in the lithium battery industry

    Conference Topics:
    • Anode, Cathode, Electrolyte, Separator
    • Battery Packing
    • Exploration, Extraction and Production of Lithium
    • Alternative Materials for Expensive Elements
    • Application of Nanomaterials
    • Review of Alternative Elements
    • Emerging Technologies (Sodium Ion-Solid State and ...)
    • Challenges of Electric Vehicles in Iran and ...
    • Life Cycle Analysis with a Focus on Environment
    • Application in Various Industries
    • Novel Methods of Material Recycling
    • Modeling and Simulation
    • Thermal Management System
    • Other Topics
    Conference Sponsors


    Important Dates

    • Deadline for submitting papers: 19 May 2024
    • End of review period: 09 June 2024
    • Conference dates: 9,10 July 2024
    Website Statistics
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